Saturday, September 5, 2009


Well the summer is almost gone and I haven’t kept my commitment to maintain this blog.  I thought as I read my friends blogs that I wouldn’t have any problem keeping a post or two a week as a goal.  Kiss that good-by!
I will attempt to do a brief update here and recommit to doing a post a week (God willing).
In the garden:
My garden hasn’t produced as well as I would have liked it to have.  I got great corn 2 crops, jalapenos, banana peppers and bell peppers, okra, beets, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, flowers, green beans and summer squash.  The things that haven’t done well are my tomatoes, cucumbers, winter squash, and broccoli.  Some of these did well at first but failed early and I had difficulty getting a second crop going.  I still have the makings of a great sweet potatoes crop and have planted broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and brussels sprouts for this fall & winter.  I have also seeded mustard, kale, turnips, spinach, lettuce, beets, kohlrabi, and collards.  But I may have to reseed some stuff because I tried to second guess the weather (more on this later).
I am loosing apple trees (fire branch I think) and no fruit this year.  The few trees that did bare, the fruit was eaten by deer, squirrels and crows.
The chickens are adult now but not laying yet.  But they should start any day now.  And oh yes, one of them is a rooster (soon to be dinner).
Almost everyone is healthy.  I say this because we have had mono going through the family, on my side any way.  It started with Ada went to Amber then to Connie who still has it. 
I am still claiming Jesus’ victory in my life as I have at this point lost 100 pounds and I'm still going.
Amber was laid off from her job and is now in graduate school @ ETSU on her way to a degree in nutrition.  Ada trudges along in undergraduate school soon to graduate with a double degree.  Then on to graduate school and eventually on to MD/PHD in medical research if she realizes her goals.  Esther is a junior in high school this year.  She is doing well so far and playing soccer (always something).  Connie is doing OK except her issues with mono hopefully she will move past that soon.  Amy got married back in early summer and is a happily married woman now.  Rob and his wife Adelaide had a beautiful baby boy who is rapidly growing and paying Rob back for his own youth.  Laura graduated from graduate school in nursing and is now a nurse practitioner (smart girl like her mom).  
Well I will call it finish for now.  More later!