Sunday, May 3, 2009

How Does Your Garden Grow

Here is my most pressing project "the chicken pen".  I have the post in the ground, the gate hung and I'm in the process of reworking the inside of the shed.  Currently I have all the materials in hand, a plan and the chickens are ready for me to pick up.  All I have to do is finish.  

This was what I found a couple of weeks ago, sack worms and baby apples.  The sack worms are easy enough to deal with.  Soap water or tobacco juice have worked for me in the past.
 A late freeze got a lot of the apples this year but there will still be plenty for our needs with plenty to spare.

The blackberry plants are healthy and doing well.  This is one of the easiest crops to deal with. The toughest aspect is thinning the old canes out in the fall.  Painful work!

The late cold snap affected the asparagus.  We were able to get a couple of messes out of them I only cut them once because they seemed to be struggling, so I let them bolt. 

This picture is a couple of weeks old as seen by the date on the photo.  After the recent rains things have grown leaps and bounds the plans have doubled in size.  
Below are the tomato & pepper plants. Their roots have taken hold and are starting to grow with the rain and warmer days and nights.
The crows devastated my peas this year, so I filled the empty spaces with broccoli.  Don't ask me why, because I have way too much broccoli.  To the right of the photo below is the romaine which is doing nicely.
The lettuce is also doing rather well.  We are eating lots of salad and loving it.  We have also given to family and friends.

Ah, the collards have seen their day.  They bolt!  But not before suppling several good meals for me and others.  As soon as the ground is dry I will till this area in and plant more hot weather plants.


Amber said...

No peas this year? :( boo. But you can freeze the extra broccoli-did I mention Al just bought a freezer ;)

The Hill so Green said...

HEY! You need to come pick lettuce, there is plenty.